Zurück   Trojaner-Board > Malware entfernen > Log-Analyse und Auswertung

Log-Analyse und Auswertung: Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

Windows 7 Wenn Du Dir einen Trojaner eingefangen hast oder ständig Viren Warnungen bekommst, kannst Du hier die Logs unserer Diagnose Tools zwecks Auswertung durch unsere Experten posten. Um Viren und Trojaner entfernen zu können, muss das infizierte System zuerst untersucht werden: Erste Schritte zur Hilfe. Beachte dass ein infiziertes System nicht vertrauenswürdig ist und bis zur vollständigen Entfernung der Malware nicht verwendet werden sollte.XML

Alt 22.06.2005, 08:30   #1
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

Hallo ,

hab ein prob mit dem trojaner swizzor.cx
hier mein log-file

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 09:23:21, on 22.06.2005
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

Running processes:
C:\Programme\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe
C:\Programme\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4gui.exe
C:\Programme\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4gui.exe
C:\Programme\RAM Idle\RAM_XP.exe
C:\Programme\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe
C:\Programme\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
C:\Programme\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Distillr\acrotray.exe
C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\mb.ACV\Desktop\Proggz\HijackThis.exe

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = http://google.icq.com/search/search_frame.php
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = http://google.icq.com
R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.komajunkx.de/index2.php
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {0055C089-8582-441B-A0BF-17B458C2A3A8} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: AcroIEHlprObj Class - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Programme\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: bho2gr Class - {31FF080D-12A3-439A-A2EF-4BA95A3148E8} - C:\Programme\GetRight\xx2gr.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {40F49983-0DAC-4E59-5AE2-98E7F8521E95} - C:\DOKUME~1\mb.ACV\ANWEND~1\Modehole\stupid new.exe
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {8170D7DC-BDD6-461e-88EB-F047257898C9} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: AcroIEToolbarHelper Class - {AE7CD045-E861-484f-8273-0445EE161910} - C:\Programme\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {BDBD1DAD-C946-4A17-ADC1-64B5B4FF55D0} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: NTIECatcher Class - {C56CB6B0-0D96-11D6-8C65-B2868B609932} - C:\Programme\Xi\NetTransport 2\NTIEHelper.dll
O3 - Toolbar: (no name) - {BDAD1DAD-C946-4A17-ADC1-64B5B4FF55D0} - (no file)
O3 - Toolbar: (no name) - {CB789373-04D5-4ef4-9C16-871463FD0830} - (no file)
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SoundMan] SOUNDMAN.EXE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [iKeyWorks] C:\PROGRA~1\A4Tech\Keyboard\Ikeymain.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [WheelMouse] C:\PROGRA~1\A4Tech\Mouse\Amoumain.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] C:\Programme\Java\jre1.5.0_02\bin\jusched.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Programme\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RAM Idle Professional] C:\Programme\RAM Idle\RAM_XP.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [DownloadStudio] C:\Programme\Conceiva\DownloadStudio\DownloadStudioScheduleMonitor.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [deaf inter date vc] C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Build Show Deaf Inter\Mpeg Info.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [AVGCtrl] "C:\Programme\AVPersonal\AVGNT.EXE" /min
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctfmon.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [SpybotSD TeaTimer] C:\Programme\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [fastbits] C:\DOKUME~1\mb.ACV\ANWEND~1\IDOLDV~1\Defy dumb.exe
O4 - Global Startup: Acrobat Assistant.lnk = C:\Programme\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Distillr\acrotray.exe
O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk = C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Adobe\Calibration\Adobe Gamma Loader.exe
O4 - Global Startup: GetRight - Tray Icon.lnk = C:\Programme\GetRight\getright.exe
O6 - HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel present
O8 - Extra context menu item: Alles mit Net Transport herunterladen - C:\Programme\Xi\NetTransport 2\NTAddList.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Download with GetRight - C:\Programme\GetRight\GRdownload.htm
O8 - Extra context menu item: Herunterladen mit Net Transport - C:\Programme\Xi\NetTransport 2\NTAddLink.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Open with GetRight Browser - C:\Programme\GetRight\GRbrowse.htm
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Programme\Java\jre1.5.0_02\bin\npjpi150_02.dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Sun Java Konsole - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Programme\Java\jre1.5.0_02\bin\npjpi150_02.dll
O16 - DPF: {31B7EB4E-8B4B-11D1-A789-00A0CC6651A8} (Cult3D ActiveX Player) - http://host.cycore.net/Cult.cab
O16 - DPF: {4C39376E-FA9D-4349-BACC-D305C1750EF3} (EPUImageControl Class) - http://tools.ebayimg.com/eps/wl/acti...l_v1-0-3-9.cab
O16 - DPF: {53B8B406-42E4-4DD3-96E7-9DEC8CEB3DD8} (ICQVideoControl Class) - http://xtraz.icq.com/xtraz/activex/ICQVideoControl.cab
O16 - DPF: {56336BCB-3D8A-11D6-A00B-0050DA18DE71} -
O16 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444500000000} -
O16 - DPF: {E855A2D4-987E-4F3B-A51C-64D10A7E2479} (EPSImageControl Class) - http://tools.ebayimg.com/eps/activex...l_v1-0-3-0.cab
O16 - DPF: {FB48C7B0-EB66-4BE6-A1C5-9DDF3C37249A} (MCSendMessageHandler Class) - http://xtraz.icq.com/xtraz/activex/MISBH.cab
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{480F1D3F-22C3-4782-BF64-B554EFABD4F8}: NameServer =,
O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{480F1D3F-22C3-4782-BF64-B554EFABD4F8}: NameServer =,
O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{480F1D3F-22C3-4782-BF64-B554EFABD4F8}: NameServer =,
O23 - Service: AntiVir Service (AntiVirService) - H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH - C:\Programme\AVPersonal\AVGUARD.EXE
O23 - Service: AntiVir Update (AVWUpSrv) - H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH, Germany - C:\Programme\AVPersonal\AVWUPSRV.EXE
O23 - Service: Crypkey License - Kenonic Controls Ltd. - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\crypserv.exe
O23 - Service: Kerio Personal Firewall 4 (KPF4) - Kerio Technologies - C:\Programme\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe
O23 - Service: TuneUp WinStyler Theme Service (TUWinStylerThemeSvc) - TuneUp Software GmbH - C:\Programme\TuneUp Utilities 2004\WinStylerThemeSvc.exe

Hilfe wäre wirklich nett !

Alt 22.06.2005, 09:20   #2
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

lade dir Adaware hier http://www.lavasoftusa.com/support/download/ und Spyboot Search und Destroy hier http://www.safer-networking.org/en/download/index.html und ausserdem clear Prog hier
Dann installier mal alles schön und dann läßt du eines nach dem anderen rüber laufen. Das sollte das Problem eigentlich lösen. Wenn das nicht ausreicht, mußt du im abgesicherten Modus scannen und dann löschen lassen. Dann aber bitte die Systemwiederherstellung vorher aus und nach dem löschen wieder anstellen.
Ich würde mir einen andern Browser besorgen und in deiner Stelle unbedingt Service Pack 2 aufspielen.

Das wird schon


Alt 22.06.2005, 09:32   #3
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

danke erstmal, adaware sowie spybot hab ich schon durchlaufen lassen ...
das andere Prog hab ich mir eben besorgt und durchlaufen lassen , hab aber immer noch im hintergrund ne iexplore.exe laufen ... obwohl ich firefox nutze.

Alt 22.06.2005, 10:07   #4
/// Helfer-Team
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

Dann prüfe den gesamten PC mal mit:

Das mit der find.bat erzeugte Log kannst Du dann hier posten.

Alt 22.06.2005, 10:29   #5
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

Hallo nochmal,
schau doch mal hier http://www.neuber.com/taskmanager/de...plore.exe.html
Vieleicht hilft dir das ja weiter.

Alt 22.06.2005, 11:57   #6
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

danke für die schnelle Hilfe , hier mein eScan-Log

Funde für "infected"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Wed Jun 22 11:38:29 2005 => System found infected with BearShare Spyware/Adware ({558ec983-bedb-9168-b2de-31dbf0ee543e})! Action taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 11:38:29 2005 => System found infected with BearShare Spyware/Adware ({5f95e1af-2620-4f15-bdf9-7fdce4607e17})! Action taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 11:38:30 2005 => System found infected with SideFind Spyware/Adware ({8cba1b49-8144-4721-a7b1-64c578c9eed7})! Action taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 11:38:30 2005 => System found infected with SideFind Spyware/Adware ({10e42047-deb9-4535-a118-b3f6ec39b807})! Action taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 11:38:38 2005 => System found infected with eZula Spyware/Adware (bbchk.exe)! Action taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 11:59:49 2005 => Scanning Folder: C:\Programme\AVPersonal\INFECTED\*.*
Wed Jun 22 11:59:49 2005 => Scanning File C:\Programme\AVPersonal\INFECTED\Defy dumb.VIR
Wed Jun 22 11:59:49 2005 => Scanning File C:\Programme\AVPersonal\INFECTED\INSECURECLASSLOADER.CLASS-4BD32F03-16EBB9CA.CLASS.VIR
Wed Jun 22 11:59:49 2005 => File C:\Programme\AVPersonal\INFECTED\INSECURECLASSLOADER.CLASS-4BD32F03-16EBB9CA.CLASS.VIR infected by "Exploit.Java.Bytverify" Virus! Action Taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:14:27 2005 => File C:\Programme\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe.tmp infected by "Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Small.qu" Virus! Action Taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:20:12 2005 => File C:\WINDOWS\mssoi32.exe infected by "Trojan.Win32.Zapchast" Virus! Action Taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:26:43 2005 => File D:\Daten MB\netpumper-1.22-setup.exe infected by "Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Swizzor.cx" Virus! Action Taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:27:09 2005 => Total Disinfected Files: 0

Funde für "tagged"

Wed Jun 22 11:47:12 2005 => File C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\mb.ACV\Eigene Dateien\fgf160.exe tagged as "not-a-virus:AdWare.Cydoor". Action Taken: No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 11:47:13 2005 => File C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\mb.ACV\Eigene Dateien\FlashFXP.v3.17.Build.1060.Beta.SCENE.EDITION.WinALL-Pandora.rar tagged as not-a-virus:Tool.Win32.Reboot. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:01 2005 => File C:\Programme\BPFTP Server\bpftpserver-service.exe tagged as not-a-virus:Tool.Win32.ServiceRunner.d. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:10 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0100.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.AssasinPatch. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:11 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0100a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:12 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0101.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:13 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0102.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:14 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0103.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:15 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0104.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:17 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0200a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:18 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0201.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:18 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0202.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:18 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0203.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:21 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0300a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:22 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0301.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:23 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0302.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:23 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0303.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:25 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0400a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:26 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0402.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:27 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0403.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:31 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0502.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:31 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0503.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:33 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0600a.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:33 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0601.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:34 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0602.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:34 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0603.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:37 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0700a.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:38 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0701.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:38 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0702.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:38 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0703.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:43 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0800.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.AssasinPatch. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:43 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0800a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:44 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0801.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:44 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0802.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:52 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0900a.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:52 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0901.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:52 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\0902.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:56 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1000.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:57 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1000a.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:57 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1001.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:00:57 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1002.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:00 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1100.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:00 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1100a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:01 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1101.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:01 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1102.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:06 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1200a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:07 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1201.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:07 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1202.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:10 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1300.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:10 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1300a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:10 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1301.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:11 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1302.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:13 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1400.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:13 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1400a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:14 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1402.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:20 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1501.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:21 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1502.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:25 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1600.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:27 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1600a.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:27 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1601.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:27 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1602.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:29 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1701.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:FalseAlarm.DrWeb.Backdoor.Theef.111. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:30 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1702.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:31 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1799.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.AssasinPatch. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:32 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1800.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:34 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1801.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:34 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1802.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:35 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1900.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:36 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1901.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:36 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1902.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:36 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\1999.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:38 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2001.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:39 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2002.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:42 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2100.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:44 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2101.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:48 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2201.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:52 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2300.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:01:54 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2301.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:05 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2501.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:06 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2601.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:07 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2701.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:08 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2800.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:08 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2801.dlm tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:09 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\2900.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:09 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\3000.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:10 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\3100.DLM tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:11 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0001.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.AssasinPatch. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:13 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0001a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:14 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0002a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:17 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0003a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:18 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0004a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:22 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0006a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:24 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0007a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:25 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0008.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.AssasinPatch. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:25 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0008a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:28 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0009a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:28 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0010.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:29 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0010a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:29 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0011.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:30 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0011a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:32 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0012a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:32 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0013.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:33 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0013a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:34 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0014.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:34 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0014a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:38 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0016.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:40 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0016a.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:42 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0018.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:43 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0019.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:46 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0021.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:47 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0023.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:53 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0028.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:54 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0029.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:54 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0030.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:55 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0031.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:57 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0101.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:58 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0102.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:02:59 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0103.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:03 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0106.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:04 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0107.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:04 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0108.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:05 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0109.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:05 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0110.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:06 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0111.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:07 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0112.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:08 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0113.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:11 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0115.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:11 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0116.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:12 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0117.zip tagged as not-a-virus:FalseAlarm.DrWeb.Backdoor.Theef.111. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:14 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0118.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:15 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0119.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:15 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0120.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:18 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0121.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:19 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0122.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:21 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0125.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:22 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0126.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:22 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0127.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:23 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0128.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:24 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0201.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:24 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0202.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:25 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0203.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:25 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0204.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:26 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0205.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:26 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0206.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:27 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0207.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:28 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0208.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:29 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0209.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:29 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0210.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:30 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0211.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:30 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0212.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook.dll. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:31 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0213.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:31 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0214.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:32 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0215.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:32 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0216.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:33 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0217.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:34 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0218.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:36 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0219.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:38 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0220.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:40 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0301.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:41 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0302.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:43 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0303.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:45 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0304.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:46 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0305.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:48 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0306.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:51 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0307.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:54 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0401.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:03:55 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc0402.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:04:42 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc9917.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.AssasinPatch. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:04:44 2005 => File C:\Programme\DLH98\Download\pc9919.zip tagged as not-a-virus:CrackTool.Win32.HotHook. No Action Taken.
Wed Jun 22 12:05:27 2005 => File C:\Programme\Gamers.IRC\mirc.exe tagged as not-a-virus:Client-IRC.Win32.mIRC.16. No Action Taken.


Wed Jun 22 12:27:09 2005 => Total Virus(es) Found: 185
Wed Jun 22 12:27:09 2005 => Total Errors: 156
Wed Jun 22 12:27:09 2005 => Time Elapsed: 00:51:50
Wed Jun 22 12:27:09 2005 => Total Objects Scanned: 54434
Wed Jun 22 11:32:04 2005 => Virus Database Date: 2005/06/22
Wed Jun 22 12:27:09 2005 => Virus Database Date: 2005/06/22
Wed Jun 22 12:27:35 2005 => Virus Database Date: 2005/06/22

Alt 22.06.2005, 12:14   #7
/// Helfer-Team
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

Den hast Du Dir eingefangen:

Der ist in dieser Datei:
Wed Jun 22 12:20:12 2005 => File C:\WINDOWS\mssoi32.exe infected by "Trojan.Win32.Zapchast" Virus! Action Taken: No Action Taken.

Damit solltest Du Dein System neu aufsetzen. Beachte dazu:

Alt 22.06.2005, 12:27   #8
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

Zitat von felix1
Den hast Du Dir eingefangen:

Der ist in dieser Datei:
Wed Jun 22 12:20:12 2005 => File C:\WINDOWS\mssoi32.exe infected by "Trojan.Win32.Zapchast" Virus! Action Taken: No Action Taken.

Damit solltest Du Dein System neu aufsetzen. Beachte dazu:
oh . das ist echt mist ! gibt´s keine andere möglichkeit ausser neuinstallation ?

Auf jeden Fall vielen Dank für die Hilfe

Alt 22.06.2005, 12:44   #9
Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Standard

Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

Zitat von Low
oh . das ist echt mist ! gibt´s keine andere möglichkeit ausser neuinstallation ?

Auf jeden Fall vielen Dank für die Hilfe
nein, du hast dich mit einem Backdoor Trojanjer infiziert.
Dritte können nur leicht auf deinen PC, alle deine Daten zugreifen.
Foramtieren ist die einzige und sicherste Lösung, dein System wieder vertrauenswürdig zu bekommen...sorry


Themen zu Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !
adobe, antivir, antivir update, bho, browser, dateien, desktop, einstellungen, explorer, firefox, firewall, hijack, hijackthis, internet, internet explorer, log-file, microsoft, mozilla, mozilla firefox, programme, software, system, system32, trojaner, tuneup utilities, windows, windows xp

Ähnliche Themen: Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !

  1. Bei mir ist der TubeSaver am Werk
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 12.09.2013 (15)
  2. TR/Spy.560136.6 in A0108858.exe durch AVira gefunden, Newbie braucht Hilfe
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 02.01.2012 (4)
  3. HijackThis?? Irgendein Virus, Bagle, Trojaner! Hilfe!!! Laie am Werk!
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 27.10.2009 (1)
  4. newbie braucht hilfe (logonui.exe)
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 09.07.2009 (4)
  5. Werk eines Virus?
    Mülltonne - 07.12.2008 (0)
  6. Hacker am Werk
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 28.10.2008 (24)
  7. Hallo, Newbie braucht ebennfalls bei VIRUS ALERT hilfe.
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 09.08.2008 (16)
  8. War hier ein Trojaner am Werk
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 30.11.2007 (17)
  9. Zone Media am Werk
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 08.01.2007 (1)
  10. fieser Trojaner am Werk und Spy- Hilfe?
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 27.04.2006 (8)
  11. Hartnäckige Trojaner am Werk - bitte um Hilfe!
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 01.03.2006 (3)
  12. Newbie braucht Hilfe: hoher Ping :(
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 24.11.2005 (7)
  13. Hacker am werk ?
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 24.10.2005 (1)
  14. Newbie braucht Hilfe
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 03.07.2005 (4)
  15. NEWbie braucht hilfe !
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 10.05.2005 (3)
  16. Viren-Newbie braucht Hilfe beim Kampf gegen Trojaner
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 08.02.2005 (8)
  17. Absoluter newbie sucht Hilfe mit search bar und web search
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 01.12.2004 (14)

Zum Thema Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk ! - Hallo , hab ein prob mit dem trojaner swizzor.cx hier mein log-file Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 09:23:21, on 22.06.2005 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet - Hilfe ! Newbie am Werk !...
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