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Alles rund um Mac OSX & Linux: Knoppix V3.3-2003-09-22

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Alt 22.09.2003, 16:47   #1
Knoppix V3.3-2003-09-22 - Pfeil

Knoppix V3.3-2003-09-22

wurde heute released.

* V3.3-2003-09-22
- added AX25 protocol support on request
- Boot option tohd=hda1 changed to tohd=/dev/hda1 for consistence
- New and improved inofficial installer "knoppix-installer" from Fabian Franz
- Service menu for Samba export
- re-added xchat
- ddcxinfo-knoppix now uses extended monitor modelines from Kano by default


Viel Spass.



Themen zu Knoppix V3.3-2003-09-22
boot, heute, installer, monitor, protocol, samba, service, support

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Zum Thema Knoppix V3.3-2003-09-22 - wurde heute released. * V3.3-2003-09-22 - added AX25 protocol support on request - Boot option tohd=hda1 changed to tohd=/dev/hda1 for consistence - New and improved inofficial installer "knoppix-installer" from Fabian - Knoppix V3.3-2003-09-22...
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